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How much thought is actually given to everyone being equal? Your answer is probably a lot. But what if I told you that equality is not what most people think it is. Judging by most of the movements out there, the tactics they employ, and the goals they are pushing to achieve, it is not equality they are wanting. Even the government of the United States is guilty of calling for equality while dividing the people even further.

Equality is not about everyone holding the same opinion on everything. It is not about everyone agreeing on every issue. Equality is one person’s right to believe in one thing while someone else will hold a different belief. Neither should be attacked or hindered in any way because of their belief. It should be accepted that people are different, our minds, tastes, wants, and needs will always be different. Our beliefs stem from our experiences in our life. It is not equality to force it on someone else or to be offended because they do not agree.

Equality among the races…what exactly does that mean? How many races do we have on this planet? I only count one, the human race. If you bleed, breathe, eat, drink, and sleep then you are a part of the human race. Are we really so ignorant to judge the value of a person because they are black or white, or have narrow eyes, or because they come from a different place? How arrogant must we be to think we have the right to judge anyone, especially for ignorant reasons such as skin color? To be honest, racial inequality stems from all sides of the issue, which is what keeps us divided and weak. The entire concept of racism is antiquated and should have no place in the world today, yet here we are, being more divided with every day because of hate and ignorance.

Religion is possibly the most heated debate in the world right now. Truth is, religions are not equal. Some preach for peace and enlightenment, others condone violence and evil acts against humanity. Some offer the pretense of peace while being one of the bloodiest religions throughout history. Some claim peace while being brutal and barbaric in their practice. Chances are, that is how it will always be until we are wiped from the face of Earth. When followers of religions twist and deform the words to match their own agendas and beliefs, you will always have the hypocrisy and fanaticism that we see throughout the world today.

Though it has gotten better, there is still a lot of resistance to the idea of gender quality. Some hold the outdated, and unproven, notion that women simply are not equal to men. They are still excluded from some jobs and circles simply because of that. In my experience, most women can do everything a man can do, sometimes better. I don’t know why guys have to feel less if they are bested by a woman, I mean, what is the difference of being beaten by a man or woman? Is it really that big of a deal? If a woman wants to do a job, whether it be combat or a football player, let her. If there is some physical or mental reason to prevent her, then sure, but if she is perfectly capable and has trained the same as a man, give her the shot.

I think we all know that true equality has never existed throughout any society on Earth. There has always been groups that have been discriminated against for whatever reason. For all of our intelligence, technology, and medical advancements, we still cannot overcome the simpleton logic of hating someone that is different. When we realize that we are all people and no one group has any more or less power over another, then we will see change. As long as we hate simply because of stereotypes or because it is how we were raised, then there will always be a divide and because of that, humans will continue down this path that leads to eventual ruin.